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Posted by CendekiaCenter on Senin, 24 Agustus 2009 , under | komentar (0)


Posted by CendekiaCenter on , under | komentar (0)

Musik Mp3 Beethoven untuk bayi Download GRATIS

Perlu diketahui bahwa suara ibu dan musik klasik dapat mengatur cepat atau lambatnya denyut jantung janin dan bayi, serta merangsang penambahan berat badan bayi. Bayi2 yg mendapat terapi musik, ternyata perkembangan fisiknya lebih cepat dibanding mereka yg tidak diberi musik. Selain dari itu daya tahan mereka terhadap penyakitpun, ada jauh lebih besar daripada yg dimiliki oleh bayi2 yg tidak pernah diperdengarkan musik sama sekali.

Otak manusia terdiri dari dua bagian, otak kiri dan otak kanan. Otak kiri bekerja untuk fungsi logika, sequence, analisa , sedangkan otak kanan bekerja untuk tugas visual, ruang (geometric), creativity , mood, emotion ,dll. Musik yg bagus akan menghasilkan 'mood' dan emosi yg bagus. Karena dia dapat dianalisa secara matematis, dan logic , maka manusia dapat mengembangkan musik itu lebih baik: creativity! Agar manusia mendapatkan 'harmony', maka kedua belah otak harus difungsikan.

Setiap orangtua tentu ingin mempunyai anak yg pandai, cerdas, dan tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam perkembangan emosionalnya. Untuk mendapatkan itu semua, tidak hanya diperlukan gizi yg cukup, tetapi juga diperlukan stimulasi memadai sejak anak masih dalam kandungan. Stimulasi yg paling baik, dalam arti mendapat respons dari janin adalah suara ibu dan musik klasik. Pendapat ini berdasarkan penelitian pada tahun 1980-an yg dilakukan dr Alfred Tomatis, ahli psikolog, dan pendidikan dari Perancis. Penelitian itu menunjukkan, suara ibu dan musik klasik dapat merangsang otak sehingga menimbulkan gerakan motorik tertentu pada janin dan bayi yg baru lahir.

Ketukan musik juga mempunyai efek terhadap kepandaian anak dalam matematika. Musik klasik dapat memberikan rangsangan pada bayi karena kaya komponen suara atau beragam alat musik yg tergabung di dalamnya. Stimulasi musik klasik ini bisa mulai diberikan sejak janin itu berusia empat bulan. "Pada masa ini janin sedang membentuk sel-sel otak, dan syaraf janin jadi sudah bisa memberikan respons pada stimulasi suara"

Stimulasi musik klasik sebaiknya dilakukan setiap harinya minimal setengah jam. Musik klasik ini bisa didengarkan sambil melakukan kegiatan lain. Bagi ibu hamil yg tidak begitu menyukai musik klasik dan selalu ketiduran bila mendengarnya, tidak perlu khawatir karena janin tetap bisa mendengarkan musik itu. Musik klasik yang paling sering didengar adalah dari Mozart & Beethoven. Musik dari Mozart telah ada di blog ini, sekarang saya akan tempatkan link untuk musik dari beethoven.(ada beberapa lagu, tetapi untuk saat ini masih 5 dulu yang lainnya menyusul di posting berikutnya. Do'akan Ya!)

eLearning CendekiaCentre 2

Posted by CendekiaCenter on Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009 , under | komentar (0)

time 2, google chrome At a time, a family Hiduplah coastal fishermen in the coastal region of Sumatra. Family consists of father, mother and a son who was named master Kundang. Because the financial condition of the family concern, the father decided to find sustenance in the land opposite the sea with a wide.

So stay the master and his mother in their gubug. Week, two weeks, a month, two months and 1 year is even more length, the father also does not master to return to village homes. So her mother must replace the master position of the father to seek sustenance. Including children master the intelligent but a little brassy. He often pursue memukulnya with the chicken and brush. One day when the master is being chicken chase, he tripped on a stone and injured right arm exposed stone. Wound became berbekas dilengannya and can not be lost.

Go after the adults, master Kundang compassionate with her mother that bone banting find sustenance to raise himself. He thought to find sustenance in the country with the hope that later on when to return to home, he has become a rich feast. Interested in the master calls a merchant ship captain who was poor now have become a rich feast.

Master kundang meant to describe her mother. His mother initially agree less with the intent Kundang master, but because the master continues to insist, Mrs. Kundang master finally agreed despite the heavy heart. After the stock and preparing equipment secukupnya, master the right to transfer to the pier by her mother. "Son, if you are successful and become a street person, you do not forget your mother and the village halamannu this, sonny," said Mrs. Kundang master while watering well.

Ship master who climbed the longer the distance the hands of Mother accompanied waff master Kundang. During his time in the ship, master Kundang lot to learn about piloting the ship on the children who have experienced. On the way, suddenly climbed the ship master Kundang attack by the pirate. All commodity traders who are in the ship seized by pirate. Even most of the crew and people who are in the vessels were killed by the pirate. Kundang master himself very lucky not be killed by the pirate, because when the event occurs, immediately master hiding in a small space by a closed timber.

Master Kundang float in the sea, until finally the ship ditumpanginya stranded on a beach. With the remainder of the existing master Kundang to walk towards the village from the nearest beach.Sesampainya in the village, master Kundang fed by people in the village after the incident told menimpanya. Master village where the village is located very fertile. With tenacity and work in kegigihannya, old master to be a successful run that rich. He has a lot of ships trading with the number of children more of 100 people. After becoming rich, master Kundang gain a girl to become his wife.

News Kundang master who has become rich and have been married to the mother until the master Kundang. Mother master Kundang feel very grateful and happy children have been successful. Since that time, the mother Kundang master every day to go to the dock, that may await their children to take home pages.

After some long married, master, and his wife do with the cruise ship that big and beautiful ship, along with children's fruit and pengawalnya that many.Mother Kundang the master menunggui children every day, see a very beautiful ship, the entrance to the port. He saw two people standing on the boat deck. He believes if the current stand is that their children master Kundang along with his wife.

Kundang master's ship is going down. He was greeted by his mother. After quite close, his mother saw teens injured dilengan right person, the more his mother believe that he is a master Kundang approach. "Master Kundang, son, why you go so long without sending you?", He said while enclasp Kundang master. But what happens then?Master Kundang immediately release the clasp and encouraged his mother to drop. "Women do not know themselves, confess it as a careless mother," said the master Kundang mother.Master Kundang feign not to recognize her mother, karen a shame to his mother who is old and wear tattered clothes."Women are your mothers?", His wife Tanya Kundang master. "No, it was only a beggar who ostensibly claim to the mother to get my property," his wife respond to the master. Heard the statement and treated haphazardly by his son, the mother of master Kundang very angry. He does not suspect her son to become a rebel child.Because kemarahannya the climb, the mother menengadahkan master hand and said "Oh God, if it is true my son, I sumpahi he became a stone." Not how long the wind and roll fast and terrible storm destroyed the ship master came Kundang. After the master Kundang body slowly becomes rigid and long run finally shaped into a coral reef.

Moral message: As a child, never forget all the services, particularly to parents who have a mother and raise the children, especially if to a child who became a rebel. Parents is a rebel to the one sin that will be certified by their own children.

Raden Putra is the king of the Kingdom of Jenggala. He accompanied the consort of a good heart and a beautiful mistress of graceful. However, themistress of King Raden Putra have envy and spite of the empress. It was a bad plan to the empress. "It should, I am become the empress. I must try to remove empress," pikirnya.

Mightiness concubine, a physician in cahoots with the palace.He simulate severe pain. Palace immediately called the physician. The physician said that there is someone who has put poison in the drink master daughter. "He is no other consort of itself," said the physician.Sire to be angry to hear an explanation palace physician. He was immediately ordered to remove patihnya consort to the forest.

The meek consort soon bring the current to contain the wilderness. But, the governor who is wise does not want to kill him.Apparently the governor already know the evil intention of concubine. "Mr daughter not to worry, the servant will report to the master of that servant girls are killed," said the governor. To trick the king, the governor pedangnya stain with blood the rabbit ditangkapnya. King menganggung satisfied when the governor when he is reported killed empress.

After several months in the forest, the child was born empress.Diberinya the baby name Cindelaras.Cindelaras grow into a child who is intelligent and personable. Since he has are small animals with the forest. One day, while it is fun to play, a throw a hawk eggs. "Hmm, well the kite once. He deliberately give the eggs to me." After 3 weeks, the eggs hatch.Cindelaras keep children with ayamnya diligent. Chickling it grow into a cock a good and strong. But there is one oddity.The sound of crowing cock is really incredible! "... Kukuruyuk Tuanku Cindelaras, house in the middle of jungle, the roof of coconut leaves, his father, Raden Putra ..."

Cindelaras very amazed to hear crowing ayamnya and his mother on the show soon.Then,the mother told Cindelaras origin until they are in the forest.Ibundanya hear stories, Cindelaras determined to reveal to the palace and the mistress of crime. Once allow ibundanya, Cindelaras go to the palace accompanied by the chicken jantannya. When traveling there are some who are chicken fight. Cindelaras then called by the penyabung chicken. "Come on, if brave, adulah chicken jantanmu with ayamku," tantangnya. "Okay," answered Cindelaras. When diadu, the cock fight Cindelaras with strong and in a short time, he can overcome lawannya.After several diadu, chicken Cindelaras not invincible.Ayamnya really strong.

News about the severity Cindelaras chicken spread quickly.Raden Putra also hear the news. Then, Raden Putra hulubalangnya told to invite Cindelaras. "Servant to the Royal Highness," said the Cindelaras polite. "Children this handsome and intelligent, it is not likely the descendants of proletariat," of thought. Chicken with chicken Cindelaras diadu Raden Putra with one condition, if the chicken Cindelaras less he is willing dipancung his head, but if ayamnya win half the property to be owned by Raden Putra Cindelaras.

Two chickens that fight with the brave. But in a short period of time, chicken chicken Cindelaras successfully conquered the King. The spectators cheer sorai mengelu hail Cindelaras and ayamnya."Okay I confess defeat. I will keep janjiku. But, what you actually, young people?" Ask Mightiness Raden Putra.Cindelaras soon imply anything like bend in the ayamnya. How long ayamnya not immediately ring. "... Kukuruyuk Tuanku Cindelaras, house in the middle of jungle, the roof of coconut leaves, his father, Raden Putra ...," rooster crow is repeated.Raden Putra surprise to hear chickens crowing Cindelaras. "Is it?" Ask Mightiness surprise."True Majesty, the servant Cindelaras, the mother is the queen consort of slaves."

At the same time, the governor and to the right recount all the events that have actually occurred in consort. "I have made a mistake," said Mightiness Raden Putra. "I will give that kind of punishment selirku," more of the wrath. Then, mistress Raden Putra was to dispose of in the forest. Raden Putra immediately hug her son and apologize for any error After that, Raden Putra commander and immediately pick consort to forest .. Finally Raden Putra, empress and Cindelaras can come together again. After Raden Putra died Cindelaras replacing his father's position.He ruled his country with a fair and wise.

Alkisah, the ancients, there is a great kingdom called Prambanan. People living tenteran and peaceful. But, what happens then? Prambanan Kingdom attacked by land occupation and Pengging.Prambanan Kingdom Ketentraman become terusik.The army is not able to attack troops Pengging.Finally, akingdom dominated by Pengging Prambanan, Bandung and led by Bondowoso.

Bandung Bondowoso like a man who ruled with tyrannical."Anyone who does not obey the order, akan dijatuhi heavy punishment", said the people in Bandung Bondowoso. Bondowoso Bandung is a magic genie and have troops. Not how long in power, like the Bandung Bondowoso gestures Loro Jonggrang, daughter of King Prambanan is pretty sweet."Beautiful girls really that. I want him to be permaisuriku," thought Bondowoso Bandung.

Next day, close to Loro Jonggrang Bondowoso."You wrap, Shall you become permaisuriku?" Ask Bondowoso Bandung to Loro Jonggrang. Loro Jonggrang startled, to hear questions Bondowoso. "Men's cheek this once, not yet know with menginginkanku directly into permaisurinya," said Loro Jongrang in the heart. "What should I do?". Loro Jonggrang into confusion. Pikirannya spin. If he refused, the angry Bandung akan Bondowoso large and dangerous people and their families Prambanan. To mengiyakannya is not possible, because Loro Jonggrang not like the Bandung Bondowoso.

"How, Loro Jonggrang?"wedged Bondowoso. Loro Jonggrang eventually get the idea. "I am willing to be his wife's master, but no condition," said."What condition? Want to abundant wealth, or a magnificent palace?". "Not that, my lord, said Loro Jonggrang. I have made temples, the number must be a thousand pieces." Seribu fruit? "Bondowoso screaming." Yes, and the temple is to be completed in time for the night. "Bandung Jonggrang Loro Bondowoso stare, lips vibrate holding anger. Since then Bandung Bondowoso thinking how to make 1000 temples. Finally he said to the penasehatnya. "I believe my master is created with the help of temples Jin!", said the advisers. "Yes, also correct usulmu, prepare the equipment kubutuhkan!"

After the equipment at the ready. Bandung Bondowoso standing in front of the altar stone. Both lengannya dibentangkan wide-width. "Jinn troops, help me!" teriaknya with a jarring sound.Not long after, the sky became dark. Wind roar. Right then, troops have overrun jin Bondowoso Bandung. "What should we do Lord?", A goblin leader. "Help me build a thousand temples," Bandung Bondowoso fate. The genie immediately move to it here, perform each task. In a short period of time in which the temple is almost reached a thousand pieces.

Meanwhile, the quiet Loro Jonggrang observe from a distance.He was anxious, to know Bondowoso troops assisted by the jinn. "Wah, how do this?", Said Loro Jonggrang in the heart. He was looking for understanding. The lady-in-waiting disuruhnya kingdom was assigned to gather and collect straw. "Quick burn all the straw!" Loro Jonggrang command. Some other lady-in-waiting disuruhnya pestle mortar. Dung ... dung ... dung!Red tinge to the sky with a jet sound accompanied the bustle, so similar like the morning dawn.

Troops jin think dawn is dawn."Wow, the sun will rise!" invoke jinn. "We have to go immediately before our bodies were the sun," speed demon the other. The genie is trickle leave that place. Bandung Bondowoso was astonished to see panic troops jinn.

The same morning, Bandung Bondowoso Loro Jonggrang to take place temple. "The temple which you have already established".Loro Jonggrang immediately calculate the number of the temple. In fact the number is only 999 pieces!. "The amount is less than one!" Loro Jonggrang exciting. "That means that masters have failed to meet the requirements that I ask." Bandung Bondowoso shortfall surprised to know that.He became very angry. "There may be a word Bondowoso ...", while the sharp stare Jonggrang Loro."Then you are complete!" he said while driving on the fingers Loro Jonggrang.Wonderful! Loro Jonggrang immediately changed into a stone statue. To this temple-temple is still there, and located in the area of Prambanan, Central Java and called Candi Loro Jonggrang.

Prabu Tapa Agung Purbasari point, bungsunya daughter as a replacement. "I am already too old, it's time I get off the throne," said Prabu Tapa.
Purbasari has a sister named Purbararang. He does not agree adiknya appointed replace their father. "I eldest daughter, should I choose ayahanda as successor," Purbararang rough on tunangannya called Indrajaya.Kegeramannya heighten the already making adiknya have any intention harm. He encountered a grandmother for the magic spell Purbasari.Grandmother Purbasari magic spell so that at that time also suddenly become bertotol skin Purbasari black-spot. Purbararang so have a reason to drive adiknya it."People like him is not condemned to be a worthy Queen!" Purbararang said.
Then he told a Patih to deport Purbasari to the forest.Sesampai starch in the forest is still h-natured with a hut made for Purbasari. He also menasehati Purbasari, "Tuan Putri chin. Pasti akan this trial ends, the Almighty will always Putri together." "Thank you uncle," said Purbasari.
During the forest he had many friends that animal-animal, which is always good to him.Among these animals have a black woolly monkey the mysterious.But the monkey is the most attention to the Purbasari.Lutung kasarung chirk Purbasari always bring with flowers and a beautiful fruit with friends.
At the time of full moon night, Lutung Kasarung be strange.He goes to a quiet place bersemedi ago. He is seeking something to Dewata. This proves that Lutung Kasarung not being normal. Not long after, the ground near the fissure Lutung and terciptalah a small pond, water clear as a bell.Water contain drugs that are very fragrant.
The next day Lutung Kasarung meet Purbasari and ask for a bath in the lake."What's the benefit for me?", Purbasari think. But he wanted menurutinya. Not long after he himself smth. Something happens to the skin.Into the skin as clean and beautiful it was to be back.Purbasari very surprised and happy when he is bercermin ditelaga.
At the palace, Purbararang decided to adiknya see in the forest. He went with the guards and tunangannya.When in the forest until he finally met with adiknya and blow each other.Purbararang not believe adiknya see the back as they are. Purbararang does not want to lose face, he invites Purbasari compete long hair."Who are the most long hair he yan g win! ", said Purbararang. Originally Purbasari does not want to, but because he continually urged minister brother. Purbasari The hair is longer.
"Okay I am lost, but now let us compete handsome fiancé us, This tunanganku," said Purbararang while near the Indrajaya.Purbasari nervous start and confusion. Finally it look interesting and hands Lutung Kasarung. Lutung Kasarung cavort as if Purbasari calm. Purbararang laughter, "So the monkey tunanganmu?".
At that time also Lutung Kasarung immediately bersemedi. Suddenly a miracle happened. Lutung Kasarung changed to a certain kind of face is very spunky young-looking, more than Indrajaya. All surprised to see that while the incident be happy.Purbararang finally admitted the error and k ekalahannya for this. He appealed to the sorry and ask for adiknya not punished.Purbasari good heart forgive them. After the incident was a khirnya them all back to the Palace.
Purbasari become a queen, accompanied by a youth idamannya. Youth who appeared during this mendampinginya dihutan always existed in a lutung.

Kertamarta king is the king of the kingdom of Daha. King have 2 daughters, his name Galuh Dewi Candra Kirana and the beautiful and good. Candra has beautiful crown ditunangkan by the son of the Kingdom of the Kahuripan Raden inu Kertapati the good and wise.

But siblings Candra Kirana Galuh Ajeng is very jealous of Candra ray, because Galuh Ajeng put on the heart and Galuh Raden inu Ajeng a grandmother to curse magic moon ray. He also memfitnahnya so beautiful moon expelled from the Palace when the moon walk the beautiful beaches, and a grandmother sihirpun appear to be menyihirnya slug kelaut gold and remove them. But magic will be lost when the golden snail tunangannya met.

One day a grandmother looking for fish with nets, and the golden snail terangkut. Keong Emas brought home and put in the crock. Next day the grandmother dilaut fishing again but not seekorpun obtained. But when he digubuknya until he had been surprised because the cuisine is tasty-tasty. Sinenek wonder who this memgirim cuisine.

The same day, next day sinenek a similar incident, the same morning the next quasi-grandmother kelaut peep what he's going, the gold turns to snail dish direct cooking, and grandmother menegurnya "who will you a beautiful daughter?" I am the daughter kingdom Daha disihir into a slug of gold by my brother because he was jealous to me, "said the golden snail, and the beautiful moon again changed into a golden snail. grandmother was stupefied to see it.

While the prince inu Kertapati still just do not want to know when the moon disappears ray.He find a way into people's usual disguise. Grandmother sihirpun know eventually change and become a raven himself to harm Raden Kertapati inu. Raden inu Kertapati very surprised to see crows can learn to speak and purpose. He considered it sacred crows and the menurutinya raden inu given the wrong direction. Raden Diperjalanan inu met a grandfather who are hunger, diberinya grandfather was eating. Grandfather is in fact the magic of good help he Raden inu from the crows.

Grandfather was hit with tongkatnya crows, and birds into the smoke. Finally Raden inu Candra Kirana told where to be, it went disuruhnya raden kedesa dadapan.After many days walking he kedesa So he Dadapan about a cottage to see the request potation perbekalannya because water has been exhausted.But he was very surprised, because he's behind the window view tunangannya are cooking.Finally, because the magic is lost encounter with Raden inu.P but there appear at that time the cottage owner's grandmother and daughter Candra Kirana introduce Raden on inu grandmother. Finally Raden inu memboyong tunangannya keistana, and Candra Kirana recount the deeds Galuh Ajeng on Ba ginda Kertamarta.

Mightiness apologize to Candra Kirana and vice versa. Galuh Ajeng get that kind hukuma n. For fear Galuh Ajeng fled kehutan, founder and then he fell into ravine.Finally Candra beautiful wedding and Raden inu Kertapatipun progress. They memboyong grandmother dadapan a good heart that keistana and they live happy

Mbok Sirni his name, he was a widow who wanted a child to be able to help him work.

One day they were by giants who want to give a child with the condition when the child is aged six years must be submitted keraksasa for disantap.

Mbok Sirnipun agree. Giant mentimun that gave him the seeds planted and treated after two weeks of the cucumber fruit ditanamnya one of the largest and shimmer like gold.

Mbok Sirni then split the fruit with care. In fact its a beautiful baby who was named cucumber gold. The golden days cucumber grown into lovely girl. One day came a giant bill for the appointment Mbok sirni cucumber very afraid to lose the gold, he promises to be a giant draw coming 2 years, because the more mature, more comfortable for disantap, giant also agree.Mbok Sirnipun pity on the cucumber gold, every time it will janinya hatinyapun become anxious and sad.

One night mbok sirni dream, so that their children should see it safely in the Mount petapa bald. The same morning he went straight. Mount it in the meeting bare petapa who gave him a 4 pack a small fruit, the seeds mentimun, needles, salt, and as a prophylactic paste.Sesampainya home diberikannya 4 to the pack before a golden cucumber, cucumber and gold disuruhnya pray. The same morning the giant came again to collect a promise. Cucumber emaspun been out through the back door to Mbok sirni.Raksasapun mengejarnya. Cucumber emaspun akan bungkusannya occur, then ditebarnya seed mentimun. Truly wonderful, a forest of lush gardens mentimun fruit.Raksasapun eat but the fruit is even add cucumber energy giant. Then sprinkle cucumber golden needle, in a flash tumbuhlan trees banbu which is very high and sharp.

With the bloody foot-blood giants continue pursuing.Cucumber emaspun open the parcel and salt ditaburkannya.

Hutanpun immediately become ocean wide. With kesakitannya giant can go through.

Gold terakhit that eventually sow cucumber paste, immediately terbentuklah sea of boiling mud, raksasapun eventually die."Thank God, you have to protect your servant this" Golden cucumber mengucap gratitude.Finally, Gold and cucumber Mbok Sirni life happy and peaceful.

In ancient times, there was a kingdom called Medang Kamulan be governed by a king named Prabu Dewata Cengkar the wild and eat like men. Every day the king ate a man who was brought by Patih Jugul Young. A small portion of people who worry and fear flee secretly to other regions.
In the village there is a Medang Kawit youth named Aji Saka who sakti, diligent and good-hearted. One day, Aji Saka successfully help an elderly father who is being beaten by two people it. Old father who eventually was appointed by the father Aji Saka fact that refugees from Medang Kamulan. Hear stories about the ferocity Prabu Dewata Cengkar, Aji Saka intend to help the people Medang Kamulan. With wear turban in the head Aji Saka to leave Medang Kamulan.
Travel to Medang Kamulan not smooth, Aji Saka was combative during the seven day seven night watchman forest with the devil, because the decline Aji Saka made slaves by the devil watchman for ten years before the forest was allowed to pass.
But thanks to kesaktiannya, Aji Saka successfully avoid bursts of fire from the devil. Aji Saka shortly after the prayer, seberkas yellow rays strike the demons from the sky, the forest at once melenyapkannya.
Aji Saka Kamulan Medang arrived in the quiet. At the palace, Prabu Dewata Cengkar are angry because Patih Young Jugul not bring the victim to Prabu.
With bold, Aji Saka facing Prabu Dewata Cengkar and submit themselves to the disantap by Prabu rewarded with the land use of the turban.
When they are in the land demand Aji Saka, turban continue to sweep so broad breadth beyond the kingdom Prabu Dewata Cengkar. Prabu angry after knowing Aji Saka intention is to end kelalimannya.
When Prabu Dewata Cengkar are angry, turban Aji Saka strong wind in the body Prabu.Prabu Dewata Cengkar body thrown Aji Saka and fall to the south and the lost sea waves swallowed.
Aji Saka dinobatkan then became king Medang Kamulan.He memboyong his father to the palace. Thanks to the government a fair and wise, Aji Saka bring to the Kingdom of Medang Kamulan golden era, era where people live quiet, peaceful, prosperous and safe.Source: e-smartschool

eLearning CendekiaCentre

Posted by CendekiaCenter on , under | komentar (0)

At a time, a family Hiduplah coastal fishermen in the coastal region of Sumatra. Family consists of father, mother and a son who was named master Kundang. Because the financial condition of the family concern, the father decided to find sustenance in the land opposite the sea with a wide.

So stay the master and his mother in their gubug. Week, two weeks, a month, two months and 1 year is even more length, the father also does not master to return to village homes. So her mother must replace the master position of the father to seek sustenance. Including children master the intelligent but a little brassy. He often pursue memukulnya with the chicken and brush. One day when the master is being chicken chase, he tripped on a stone and injured right arm exposed stone. Wound became berbekas dilengannya and can not be lost.

Go after the adults, master Kundang compassionate with her mother that bone banting find sustenance to raise himself. He thought to find sustenance in the country with the hope that later on when to return to home, he has become a rich feast. Interested in the master calls a merchant ship captain who was poor now have become a rich feast.

Master kundang meant to describe her mother. His mother initially agree less with the intent Kundang master, but because the master continues to insist, Mrs. Kundang master finally agreed despite the heavy heart. After the stock and preparing equipment secukupnya, master the right to transfer to the pier by her mother. "Son, if you are successful and become a street person, you do not forget your mother and the village halamannu this, sonny," said Mrs. Kundang master while watering well.

Ship master who climbed the longer the distance the hands of Mother accompanied waff master Kundang. During his time in the ship, master Kundang lot to learn about piloting the ship on the children who have experienced. On the way, suddenly climbed the ship master Kundang attack by the pirate. All commodity traders who are in the ship seized by pirate. Even most of the crew and people who are in the vessels were killed by the pirate. Kundang master himself very lucky not be killed by the pirate, because when the event occurs, immediately master hiding in a small space by a closed timber.

Master Kundang float in the sea, until finally the ship ditumpanginya stranded on a beach. With the remainder of the existing master Kundang to walk towards the village from the nearest beach. Sesampainya in the village, master Kundang fed by people in the village after the incident told menimpanya. Master village where the village is located very fertile. With tenacity and work in kegigihannya, old master to be a successful run that rich. He has a lot of ships trading with the number of children more of 100 people. After becoming rich, master Kundang gain a girl to become his wife.

News Kundang master who has become rich and have been married to the mother until the master Kundang. Mother master Kundang feel very grateful and happy children have been successful. Since that time, the mother Kundang master every day to go to the dock, that may await their children to take home pages.

After some long married, master, and his wife do with the cruise ship that big and beautiful ship, along with children's fruit and pengawalnya that many. Mother Kundang the master menunggui children every day, see a very beautiful ship, the entrance to the port. He saw two people standing on the boat deck. He believes if the current stand is that their children master Kundang along with his wife.

Kundang master's ship is going down. He was greeted by his mother. After quite close, his mother saw teens injured dilengan right person, the more his mother believe that he is a master Kundang approach. "Master Kundang, son, why you go so long without sending you?", He said while enclasp Kundang master. But what happens then?Master Kundang immediately release the clasp and encouraged his mother to drop. "Women do not know themselves, confess it as a careless mother," said the master Kundang mother.Master Kundang feign not to recognize her mother, karen a shame to his mother who is old and wear tattered clothes. "Women are your mothers?", His wife Tanya Kundang master. "No, it was only a beggar who ostensibly claim to the mother to get my property," his wife respond to the master. Heard the statement and treated haphazardly by his son, the mother of master Kundang very angry. He does not suspect her son to become a rebel child. Because kemarahannya the climb, the mother menengadahkan master hand and said "Oh God, if it is true my son, I sumpahi he became a stone." Not how long the wind and roll fast and terrible storm destroyed the ship master came Kundang. After the master Kundang body slowly becomes rigid and long run finally shaped into a coral reef.

Moral message: As a child, never forget all the services, particularly to parents who have a mother and raise the children, especially if to a child who became a rebel. Parents is a rebel to the one sin that will be certified by their own children.

Raden Putra is the king of the Kingdom of Jenggala. He accompanied the consort of a good heart and a beautiful mistress of graceful. However, the mistress of King Raden Putra have envy and spite of the empress. It was a bad plan to the empress. "It should, I am become the empress. I must try to remove empress," pikirnya.

Mightiness concubine, a physician in cahoots with the palace.He simulate severe pain. Palace immediately called the physician. The physician said that there is someone who has put poison in the drink master daughter. "He is no other consort of itself," said the physician.Sire to be angry to hear an explanation palace physician. He was immediately ordered to remove patihnya consort to the forest.

The meek consort soon bring the current to contain the wilderness. But, the governor who is wise does not want to kill him. Apparently the governor already know the evil intention of concubine. "Mr daughter not to worry, the servant will report to the master of that servant girls are killed," said the governor. To trick the king, the governor pedangnya stain with blood the rabbit ditangkapnya. King menganggung satisfied when the governor when he is reported killed empress.

After several months in the forest, the child was born empress.Diberinya the baby name Cindelaras. Cindelaras grow into a child who is intelligent and personable. Since he has are small animals with the forest. One day, while it is fun to play, a throw a hawk eggs. "Hmm, well the kite once. He deliberately give the eggs to me." After 3 weeks, the eggs hatch. Cindelaras keep children with ayamnya diligent. Chickling it grow into a cock a good and strong. But there is one oddity. The sound of crowing cock is really incredible! "... Kukuruyuk Tuanku Cindelaras, house in the middle of jungle, the roof of coconut leaves, his father, Raden Putra ..."

Cindelaras very amazed to hear crowing ayamnya and his mother on the show soon. Then,the mother told Cindelaras origin until they are in the forest. Ibundanya hear stories, Cindelaras determined to reveal to the palace and the mistress of crime. Once allow ibundanya, Cindelaras go to the palace accompanied by the chicken jantannya. When traveling there are some who are chicken fight. Cindelaras then called by the penyabung chicken. "Come on, if brave, adulah chicken jantanmu with ayamku," tantangnya. "Okay," answered Cindelaras. When diadu, the cock fight Cindelaras with strong and in a short time, he can overcome lawannya. After several diadu, chicken Cindelaras not invincible. Ayamnya really strong.

News about the severity Cindelaras chicken spread quickly.Raden Putra also hear the news. Then, Raden Putra hulubalangnya told to invite Cindelaras. "Servant to the Royal Highness," said the Cindelaras polite. "Children this handsome and intelligent, it is not likely the descendants of proletariat," of thought. Chicken with chicken Cindelaras diadu Raden Putra with one condition, if the chicken Cindelaras less he is willing dipancung his head, but if ayamnya win half the property to be owned by Raden Putra Cindelaras.

Two chickens that fight with the brave. But in a short period of time, chicken chicken Cindelaras successfully conquered the King. The spectators cheer sorai mengelu hail Cindelaras and ayamnya. "Okay I confess defeat. I will keep janjiku. But, what you actually, young people?" Ask Mightiness Raden Putra. Cindelaras soon imply anything like bend in the ayamnya. How long ayamnya not immediately ring. "... Kukuruyuk Tuanku Cindelaras, house in the middle of jungle, the roof of coconut leaves, his father, Raden Putra ...," rooster crow is repeated. Raden Putra surprise to hear chickens crowing Cindelaras. "Is it?" Ask Mightiness surprise. "True Majesty, the servant Cindelaras, the mother is the queen consort of slaves."

At the same time, the governor and to the right recount all the events that have actually occurred in consort. "I have made a mistake," said Mightiness Raden Putra. "I will give that kind of punishment selirku," more of the wrath. Then, mistress Raden Putra was to dispose of in the forest. Raden Putra immediately hug her son and apologize for any error After that, Raden Putra commander and immediately pick consort to forest .. Finally Raden Putra, empress and Cindelaras can come together again. After Raden Putra died Cindelaras replacing his father's position. He ruled his country with a fair and wise.

Alkisah, the ancients, there is a great kingdom called Prambanan. People living tenteran and peaceful. But, what happens then? Prambanan Kingdom attacked by land occupation and Pengging. Prambanan Kingdom Ketentraman become terusik. The army is not able to attack troops Pengging.Finally, a kingdom dominated by Pengging Prambanan, Bandung and led by Bondowoso.

Bandung Bondowoso like a man who ruled with tyrannical."Anyone who does not obey the order, akan dijatuhi heavy punishment", said the people in Bandung Bondowoso. Bondowoso Bandung is a magic genie and have troops. Not how long in power, like the Bandung Bondowoso gestures Loro Jonggrang, daughter of King Prambanan is pretty sweet. "Beautiful girls really that. I want him to be permaisuriku," thought Bondowoso Bandung.

Next day, close to Loro Jonggrang Bondowoso. "You wrap, Shall you become permaisuriku?" Ask Bondowoso Bandung to Loro Jonggrang. Loro Jonggrang startled, to hear questions Bondowoso. "Men's cheek this once, not yet know with menginginkanku directly into permaisurinya," said Loro Jongrang in the heart. "What should I do?". Loro Jonggrang into confusion. Pikirannya spin. If he refused, the angry Bandung akan Bondowoso large and dangerous people and their families Prambanan. To mengiyakannya is not possible, because Loro Jonggrang not like the Bandung Bondowoso.

"How, Loro Jonggrang?" wedged Bondowoso. Loro Jonggrang eventually get the idea. "I am willing to be his wife's master, but no condition," said. "What condition? Want to abundant wealth, or a magnificent palace?". "Not that, my lord, said Loro Jonggrang. I have made temples, the number must be a thousand pieces." Seribu fruit? "Bondowoso screaming." Yes, and the temple is to be completed in time for the night. "Bandung Jonggrang Loro Bondowoso stare, lips vibrate holding anger. Since then Bandung Bondowoso thinking how to make 1000 temples. Finally he said to the penasehatnya. "I believe my master is created with the help of temples Jin!", said the advisers. "Yes, also correct usulmu, prepare the equipment kubutuhkan!"

After the equipment at the ready. Bandung Bondowoso standing in front of the altar stone. Both lengannya dibentangkan wide-width. "Jinn troops, help me!" teriaknya with a jarring sound.Not long after, the sky became dark. Wind roar. Right then, troops have overrun jin Bondowoso Bandung. "What should we do Lord?", A goblin leader. "Help me build a thousand temples," Bandung Bondowoso fate. The genie immediately move to it here, perform each task. In a short period of time in which the temple is almost reached a thousand pieces.

Meanwhile, the quiet Loro Jonggrang observe from a distance.He was anxious, to know Bondowoso troops assisted by the jinn. "Wah, how do this?", Said Loro Jonggrang in the heart. He was looking for understanding. The lady-in-waiting disuruhnya kingdom was assigned to gather and collect straw. "Quick burn all the straw!" Loro Jonggrang command. Some other lady-in-waiting disuruhnya pestle mortar. Dung ... dung ... dung! Red tinge to the sky with a jet sound accompanied the bustle, so similar like the morning dawn.

Troops jin think dawn is dawn. "Wow, the sun will rise!" invoke jinn. "We have to go immediately before our bodies were the sun," speed demon the other. The genie is trickle leave that place. Bandung Bondowoso was astonished to see panic troops jinn.

The same morning, Bandung Bondowoso Loro Jonggrang to take place temple. "The temple which you have already established". Loro Jonggrang immediately calculate the number of the temple. In fact the number is only 999 pieces!. "The amount is less than one!" Loro Jonggrang exciting. "That means that masters have failed to meet the requirements that I ask." Bandung Bondowoso shortfall surprised to know that. He became very angry. "There may be a word Bondowoso ...", while the sharp stare Jonggrang Loro."Then you are complete!" he said while driving on the fingers Loro Jonggrang. Wonderful! Loro Jonggrang immediately changed into a stone statue. To this temple-temple is still there, and located in the area of Prambanan, Central Java and called Candi Loro Jonggrang.

Prabu Tapa Agung Purbasari point, bungsunya daughter as a replacement. "I am already too old, it's time I get off the throne," said Prabu Tapa.
Purbasari has a sister named Purbararang. He does not agree adiknya appointed replace their father. "I eldest daughter, should I choose ayahanda as successor," Purbararang rough on tunangannya called Indrajaya. Kegeramannya heighten the already making adiknya have any intention harm. He encountered a grandmother for the magic spell Purbasari.Grandmother Purbasari magic spell so that at that time also suddenly become bertotol skin Purbasari black-spot. Purbararang so have a reason to drive adiknya it. "People like him is not condemned to be a worthy Queen!" Purbararang said.
Then he told a Patih to deport Purbasari to the forest. Sesampai starch in the forest is still h-natured with a hut made for Purbasari. He also menasehati Purbasari, "Tuan Putri chin. Pasti akan this trial ends, the Almighty will always Putri together." "Thank you uncle," said Purbasari.
During the forest he had many friends that animal-animal, which is always good to him. Among these animals have a black woolly monkey the mysterious.But the monkey is the most attention to the Purbasari.Lutung kasarung chirk Purbasari always bring with flowers and a beautiful fruit with friends.
At the time of full moon night, Lutung Kasarung be strange. He goes to a quiet place bersemedi ago. He is seeking something to Dewata. This proves that Lutung Kasarung not being normal. Not long after, the ground near the fissure Lutung and terciptalah a small pond, water clear as a bell. Water contain drugs that are very fragrant.
The next day Lutung Kasarung meet Purbasari and ask for a bath in the lake. "What's the benefit for me?", Purbasari think. But he wanted menurutinya. Not long after he himself smth. Something happens to the skin.Into the skin as clean and beautiful it was to be back.Purbasari very surprised and happy when he is bercermin ditelaga.
At the palace, Purbararang decided to adiknya see in the forest. He went with the guards and tunangannya.When in the forest until he finally met with adiknya and blow each other. Purbararang not believe adiknya see the back as they are. Purbararang does not want to lose face, he invites Purbasari compete long hair. "Who are the most long hair he yan g win! ", said Purbararang. Originally Purbasari does not want to, but because he continually urged minister brother. Purbasari The hair is longer.
"Okay I am lost, but now let us compete handsome fiancé us, This tunanganku," said Purbararang while near the Indrajaya.Purbasari nervous start and confusion. Finally it look interesting and hands Lutung Kasarung. Lutung Kasarung cavort as if Purbasari calm. Purbararang laughter, "So the monkey tunanganmu?".
At that time also Lutung Kasarung immediately bersemedi. Suddenly a miracle happened. Lutung Kasarung changed to a certain kind of face is very spunky young-looking, more than Indrajaya. All surprised to see that while the incident be happy.Purbararang finally admitted the error and k ekalahannya for this. He appealed to the sorry and ask for adiknya not punished. Purbasari good heart forgive them. After the incident was a khirnya them all back to the Palace.
Purbasari become a queen, accompanied by a youth idamannya. Youth who appeared during this mendampinginya dihutan always existed in a lutung.

Kertamarta king is the king of the kingdom of Daha. King have 2 daughters, his name Galuh Dewi Candra Kirana and the beautiful and good. Candra has beautiful crown ditunangkan by the son of the Kingdom of the Kahuripan Raden inu Kertapati the good and wise.

But siblings Candra Kirana Galuh Ajeng is very jealous of Candra ray, because Galuh Ajeng put on the heart and Galuh Raden inu Ajeng a grandmother to curse magic moon ray. He also memfitnahnya so beautiful moon expelled from the Palace when the moon walk the beautiful beaches, and a grandmother sihirpun appear to be menyihirnya slug kelaut gold and remove them. But magic will be lost when the golden snail tunangannya met.

One day a grandmother looking for fish with nets, and the golden snail terangkut. Keong Emas brought home and put in the crock. Next day the grandmother dilaut fishing again but not seekorpun obtained. But when he digubuknya until he had been surprised because the cuisine is tasty-tasty. Sinenek wonder who this memgirim cuisine.

The same day, next day sinenek a similar incident, the same morning the next quasi-grandmother kelaut peep what he's going, the gold turns to snail dish direct cooking, and grandmother menegurnya "who will you a beautiful daughter?" I am the daughter kingdom Daha disihir into a slug of gold by my brother because he was jealous to me, "said the golden snail, and the beautiful moon again changed into a golden snail. grandmother was stupefied to see it.

While the prince inu Kertapati still just do not want to know when the moon disappears ray. He find a way into people's usual disguise. Grandmother sihirpun know eventually change and become a raven himself to harm Raden Kertapati inu. Raden inu Kertapati very surprised to see crows can learn to speak and purpose. He considered it sacred crows and the menurutinya raden inu given the wrong direction. Raden Diperjalanan inu met a grandfather who are hunger, diberinya grandfather was eating. Grandfather is in fact the magic of good help he Raden inu from the crows.

Grandfather was hit with tongkatnya crows, and birds into the smoke. Finally Raden inu Candra Kirana told where to be, it went disuruhnya raden kedesa dadapan.After many days walking he kedesa So he Dadapan about a cottage to see the request potation perbekalannya because water has been exhausted.But he was very surprised, because he's behind the window view tunangannya are cooking. Finally, because the magic is lost encounter with Raden inu. P but there appear at that time the cottage owner's grandmother and daughter Candra Kirana introduce Raden on inu grandmother. Finally Raden inu memboyong tunangannya keistana, and Candra Kirana recount the deeds Galuh Ajeng on Ba ginda Kertamarta.

Mightiness apologize to Candra Kirana and vice versa. Galuh Ajeng get that kind hukuma n. For fear Galuh Ajeng fled kehutan, founder and then he fell into ravine. Finally Candra beautiful wedding and Raden inu Kertapatipun progress. They memboyong grandmother dadapan a good heart that keistana and they live happy

Mbok Sirni his name, he was a widow who wanted a child to be able to help him work.

One day they were by giants who want to give a child with the condition when the child is aged six years must be submitted keraksasa for disantap.

Mbok Sirnipun agree. Giant mentimun that gave him the seeds planted and treated after two weeks of the cucumber fruit ditanamnya one of the largest and shimmer like gold.

Mbok Sirni then split the fruit with care. In fact its a beautiful baby who was named cucumber gold. The golden days cucumber grown into lovely girl. One day came a giant bill for the appointment Mbok sirni cucumber very afraid to lose the gold, he promises to be a giant draw coming 2 years, because the more mature, more comfortable for disantap, giant also agree.Mbok Sirnipun pity on the cucumber gold, every time it will janinya hatinyapun become anxious and sad.

One night mbok sirni dream, so that their children should see it safely in the Mount petapa bald. The same morning he went straight. Mount it in the meeting bare petapa who gave him a 4 pack a small fruit, the seeds mentimun, needles, salt, and as a prophylactic paste. Sesampainya home diberikannya 4 to the pack before a golden cucumber, cucumber and gold disuruhnya pray. The same morning the giant came again to collect a promise. Cucumber emaspun been out through the back door to Mbok sirni.Raksasapun mengejarnya. Cucumber emaspun akan bungkusannya occur, then ditebarnya seed mentimun. Truly wonderful, a forest of lush gardens mentimun fruit.Raksasapun eat but the fruit is even add cucumber energy giant. Then sprinkle cucumber golden needle, in a flash tumbuhlan trees banbu which is very high and sharp.

With the bloody foot-blood giants continue pursuing. Cucumber emaspun open the parcel and salt ditaburkannya.

Hutanpun immediately become ocean wide. With kesakitannya giant can go through.

Gold terakhit that eventually sow cucumber paste, immediately terbentuklah sea of boiling mud, raksasapun eventually die. "Thank God, you have to protect your servant this" Golden cucumber mengucap gratitude. Finally, Gold and cucumber Mbok Sirni life happy and peaceful.

In ancient times, there was a kingdom called Medang Kamulan be governed by a king named Prabu Dewata Cengkar the wild and eat like men. Every day the king ate a man who was brought by Patih Jugul Young. A small portion of people who worry and fear flee secretly to other regions.
In the village there is a Medang Kawit youth named Aji Saka who sakti, diligent and good-hearted. One day, Aji Saka successfully help an elderly father who is being beaten by two people it. Old father who eventually was appointed by the father Aji Saka fact that refugees from Medang Kamulan. Hear stories about the ferocity Prabu Dewata Cengkar, Aji Saka intend to help the people Medang Kamulan. With wear turban in the head Aji Saka to leave Medang Kamulan.
Travel to Medang Kamulan not smooth, Aji Saka was combative during the seven day seven night watchman forest with the devil, because the decline Aji Saka made slaves by the devil watchman for ten years before the forest was allowed to pass.
But thanks to kesaktiannya, Aji Saka successfully avoid bursts of fire from the devil. Aji Saka shortly after the prayer, seberkas yellow rays strike the demons from the sky, the forest at once melenyapkannya.
Aji Saka Kamulan Medang arrived in the quiet. At the palace, Prabu Dewata Cengkar are angry because Patih Young Jugul not bring the victim to Prabu.
With bold, Aji Saka facing Prabu Dewata Cengkar and submit themselves to the disantap by Prabu rewarded with the land use of the turban.
When they are in the land demand Aji Saka, turban continue to sweep so broad breadth beyond the kingdom Prabu Dewata Cengkar. Prabu angry after knowing Aji Saka intention is to end kelalimannya.
When Prabu Dewata Cengkar are angry, turban Aji Saka strong wind in the body Prabu. Prabu Dewata Cengkar body thrown Aji Saka and fall to the south and the lost sea waves swallowed.
Aji Saka dinobatkan then became king Medang Kamulan. He memboyong his father to the palace. Thanks to the government a fair and wise, Aji Saka bring to the Kingdom of Medang Kamulan golden era, era where people live quiet, peaceful, prosperous and safe. Source: e-smartschool